Time Bomb II

Anzahl der Spieler:
4 bis 6 Spieler
1-30 Minuten
Frei ab 8 Jahre
Video: Essen 2016: Time bomb 2 (Japon Brand)
Essen 2016: Time bomb 2 (Japon Brand) from Cliquenabend on Vimeo.
Wir haben den Prototypen in Mallorca 2016 gespielt und berichten darüber in unserem Podcast. Das Spiel soll im Oktober 2016 erscheinen.
In TimeBomb2, you are playing either a SWAT team member trying to discover all of the Terrorists' Hideouts, or a terrorist trying to keep the SWAT from finding all the Hideouts.
Take the prepared Building Cards and shuffle them face down, and deal 1 to each player and 1 to the center of the table. All players should check the Building Card placed in front of them without revealing it to any other players.
The game is played in turn, going in clockwise order. On your turn choose one of the Troop Cards from your hand and place it next to any face-down building. If there is already a Troop Card at that building stack it on top, slightly offset, so that the number of Troop Cards there can be seen. The troops placed next to buildings are awaiting orders to storm the building. 4 Troop Cards are needed in order to storm the building. When the 4th Troop card at a building is placed then we check to see if they storm the building, otherwise play continues to the next player.
A check is made to see if the troops storm the building or not. The 4 Troop Cards are shuffled face down and then all 4 Troop Cards are turned face up. Each of the 4 Troop Cards gets their Bomb Count , and the Bomb Counts are totaled to get a Total Bomb Value. The Total Bomb Value is checked to see if the building is stormed. If all of the Hideouts are discovered, SWAT will win.
Video: Essen 2016: Time bomb 2 (Japon Brand)
Essen 2016: Time bomb 2 (Japon Brand) from Cliquenabend on Vimeo.
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